- Sergio Poretti is Docend Turris Virgatae at Rome "Tor Vergata" University and Professor of Construction of Architecture. Previously, he taught at Rome "La Sapienza" University (1971-1974) and L’Aquila University (1974-1980).
- His research subjects include: the History of Construction and the Conservation of Modern Architecture, through experimental applications on Italian works of the Thirties.
- Current research topic is the History of Structural Engineering.
He has won, as principal investigator, the ERC Advanced Grant 2011 with the project: SIXXI - Twentieth Century Structural Engineering: the Italian Contribution (2012-2017). See: SIXXI
- He is a member of the scientific panel of the review "Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica". He is also Scientific Director of the series "Architecture and Construction", which promotes cultural and editorial initiatives to disseminate knowledge concerning construction techniques.
- He has been Head of Department of Civil Engineering at the Rome "Tor Vergata" University since November 2006 to April 2012. He has also been President of Docomomo Italia (Documentation e Conservation of buildings of Modern Movement) from origin to 2007 and Chief Editor of its official publication, entitled "giornale docomomo", from origin to 2011.
- The result of his research work has been published in many articles, essays and books. More recent books include:: Progetti e costruzione dei palazzi delle poste a Roma 1933-1935 (1990); La Casa del fascio di Como (1998); Il Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana (2001); Il restauro delle Poste di Libera (2005); Ingegneria italiana (ed., 2007); Pier Luigi Nervi. L'Ambasciata d'Italia a Brasilia (2008); Modernismi italiani. Architettura e costruzione nel Novecento (2008); Pier Luigi Nervi. Architettura come Sfida. Roma. Ingegno e costruzione. Guida alla mostra (2010). Essays include: "Modernismi e Autarchia" e "La Costruzione [nel secondo dopoguerra italiano]", collected in "Il Primo Novecento" (2004) and "Il Secondo Novecento" (1997) in the History of Italian Architecture (Electa).
- For many years, Poretti has been the Coordinator for national research projects organised by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MURST 40%, COFIN, PRIN). Some of the most recent research projects include:
- - "Analysis of the construction techniques and restoration of nineteenth and twentieth-century Italian Architecture" (MURST 40% 1993-1995), whose main results have been published in “Studi sull’edilizia in Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento” (1999);
- - "Modern Construction in Italy: Procedures and Techniques for Conservation and Restoration" (PRIN programme, year 1998); whose main results are collected in the publication entitled “La costruzione moderna in Italia: Indagine sui caratteri originari e sul degrado di alcuni edifici" (2001) and in “Il cemento armato in Italia dalle origini alla seconda guerra mondiale”;
- - "Modern Construction in Italy: INA-Casa Housing Properties (1949-1963). Procedures and techniques for conservation and restoration" (PRIN programme, year 2000) whose main results can be found in the publication by the same title published by Gangemi in 2003 and in the volume entitled "L'INA Casa. Il cantiere e la costruzione” catalogue of the exhibition section on “Città Architettura Edilizia pubblica. Il Piano INA Casa 1949-1963” held at the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Rome in 2002;
- - "Modern Italian Architecture in the Thirities and Fourties. A Manual for Conservation and Restoration” (PRIN programme, year 2003);
- - "Architectural Construction in Post-war Italy (1945-65). Conservation and Restoration Techniques and Procedures” (PRIN programme, year 2006);
- - "Industrial Construction in Italy 1960-1980. Methods and Techniques for Conservation and Exploitation" (PRIN programme, year 2008).
- Poretti has also conducted various applied research projects, financed by conventions with public and private agencies to conserve and restore important works of the twentieth century. In particular, the most recent include:
- - Il Palazzo delle Poste by Adalberto Libera on Via Marmorata (A. Libera, 1933-35), for which, on behalf of Poste Spa (the Italian Postal System), the proprietor, in 1999-2000, Poretti elaborated a project to restore the most significant architectural features (agreement between Department/Superintendence);
- - The Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana in EUR (E. Lapadula, G. Guerrini, M. Romano, 1938-43), for which besides coordinating the analytical research on behalf of the EUR Spa Agency, proprietor of the monument, Poretti elaborated, on behalf of the Rome Architectural Works Superintendence, the guidelines for an international call for the transformation of the Audiovisuals Museum and the restoration project for the architectural features to be preserved, which is currently underway;
- - The Mercati Generali Complex (Food Wholesale Distribution Market) built between 1908 and 1930 for which, on behalf of the Rome townhall, Poretti contributed to delineating the guidelines for the International Architectural Call for its transformation and utilisation;
- - The Crafts Pavilion in Sassari, Sardegna (U. Badas, 1952-58), for which, on behalf of the Architectural Works Superintendence, Poretti studied a project for the restoration and utilisation of the building (agreement between Department/Superintendence);
- - The Casa del Fascio in Como (G. Terragni, 1928-33), for which, after having conducted an analytical research project and headed a seminar with the "Andrea Palladio" International Centre for Architectural Studies, Poretti elaborated guidelines for its restoration. (The guidelines were not adopted.);
- - The monumental tomb of Brion in S. Vito di Altivole (C. Scarpa, 1968-76), for which after having coordinated a seminar with the "Andrea Palladio" International Centre for Architectural Studies in June 2004, in collaboration with the Office for Architecture and Contemporary Arts, on behalf of the Regione Veneto and the State-Region Committee for Carlo Scarpa's Works, Poretti has conducted a pilot project that will serve as a model for the restoration of the Venetian architect's masterpieces (agreement between Department/Superintendence);
- - The Post Office Building on piazza Bologna in Rome (by Mario Ridolfi, 1933-35), for which, on behalf of Poste Spa (the Italian Postal System), the proprietor, in 2008 has been elaborated a project to restore the most significant architectural features (agreement between Department/Superintendence);
- - Confindustria Building in viale dell'Astronomia at Eur in Rome, for which, on behalf of Aedificatio spa, the proprietor, in 2007 has been elaborated guidelines for its restoration.