Ilaria Palazzi (1986) studied Building Engineering-Architecture in the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
In 2011 she graduated cum laude.
Since november 2012 she is a SIXXI Scholarship PhD student, in "Ingeneria civile" doctorate, coordinated by Sergio Poretti (tutor: Tullia Iori).
Between her researches: "Experimental analysis of SFRC bridge slabs subjected to punching shear".
Her applied research focuses mainly on the Italian scientific contribution to the development of the Theory of structures in the XX Century.
She also works as a tutor in teaching for workshops, laboratories and courses at the University or Rome "Tor Vergata".
I. Palazzi, A theory for engineers. About the energy methods for the calculation of statically indeterminate structures (1858-1884), in T. Iori, S. Poretti (a cura di), SIXXI1 - Storia dell'ingegneria strutturale italiana, Gangemi, 2014, pp. 32-49;