Chiara Tarisciotti (1988) studied Building Engineering - Architecture in Rome at "Tor Vergata" University, and in October 2012 she graduated cum laude with the thesis entitled "RECENT EXPERIMENTS IN CONTEMPORARY ENGINEERING", focused on the structural optimization, in particular topology optimization.
Currently she is PhD student in "Engineering: Architecture and Costruction" at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Since the end of 2012 she conducts her research in collaboration with the team "Architecture and Costruction" coordinated by Sergio Poretti and Tullia Iori, with particular reference to the Italian Contribution in structural engineering of the XX Century.
Her research is "ISMES: Experimentale Institute for Models and Structures" and it focuses mainly on the influence of models in the evolution of engineering.
She also works as a tutor in teaching for workshops, laboratories and courses at "Tor Vergata" University of Rome.
SIXXI Publications:
C. Tarisciotti, Istituto Sperimentale Modelli e Strutture. Il santuario italiano della modellazione fisica, in T. Iori, S. Poretti (a cura di), SIXXI1 - Storia dell'ingegneria strutturale italiana, Gangemi, 2014, pp. 80-89;
C. Tarisciotti, M.E. Biancolini, Quanto le equazioni dell'elasticità progettano strutture, "Analisi e Calcolo", dicembre 2013, pp. 40-45, ISSN 1128-3874;